Vavrinska monogram Andrea Vavrinska name

Behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on how your thoughts (cognitions), beliefs, and attitudes affect your feelings and behaviours and can further lead to experiencing mental suffering and problems.

Recognizing these self-limiting patterns of thinking and behavior as a result of conditioned learning processes throughout life forms the basis of learning new and useful coping strategies in the here and now.

The development and strengthening of individual resources and problem-solving skills as well as their practical implementation is always problem-related and goal-oriented and requires active participation throughout the therapeutic process. The cognitive-behavioral approach is guided by the greatest possible transparency and openness, and a respectful and appreciative attitude, which is the core of a trusting relationship.

The promotion of self-help competency based on the principle of help to self-help is the primary goal of a successful therapy on the way to self-awareness and self-responsibility.

The therapeutic approach offers a wide variety of different methods and tools that are scientifically proven in their effectiveness to enable an individually tailored treatment.